
Comodo dragon animal
Comodo dragon animal

comodo dragon animal comodo dragon animal

Here’s a deeper look at each of the traits that make the Komodo dragon so dangerous. Males can grow to 10 feet in length and can weigh as much as 200 pounds, meaning they are no lightweight either! These lizards are also deceptively smart and cunning, and can hunt alone or in a group. The Komodo dragon has four powerful weapons at its disposal that it uses to dispatch prey: A powerful tail capable of knocking animals such as deer and pigs off their feet, 60 teeth, serrated like shark teeth, that can rip flesh to the bone in a single bite long claws to latch onto prey, and venom that can kill an adult water buffalo within a few days. Photo by Adhi Rachdian / CC by What Makes The Komodo Dragon Dangerous? How dangerous is the Komodo dragon? With 60 serrated teeth comparable to sharks, and venom as powerful as the worlds deadliest snakes, the Komodo dragon Varanus komodoensis is the top apex predator on the islands of Komodo, and has the potential to be one of the most dangerous animals on the planet. It can make you feel as if these lizards are simply gentle giants, and not very dangerous. Often times these videos show people standing within just a few feet.

comodo dragon animal

You see videos of Komodo dragons lumbering around, licking the air, apparently not having a care in the world.

Comodo dragon animal