
It grows dark and darker still
It grows dark and darker still

The extract portals are usually close to the main boss room in the centre of the map/ring. Try not to take too many fights and stick to the shadows. It's a massive help to have a healer around.

  • If you're playing with friends, make sure that one of your party is a Cleric.
  • There are Health Shrines dotted around which will refill your health, but you can also take a class with a healing ability ( like the Fighter, Barbarian or Cleric), or pick up health potions. Take a bit of time to try and memorize how the enemies behave. Every enemy in the game has set patterns (this might change as harder levels are explored) which you can play around. Loot can also be hidden in secret areas (check bookcases for secret book levers, walls for levers, and the floor for pressure plates.)
  • Loot is found in pots and barrels which can be smashed by your primary weapon. If you wish to grow out highlights, dye bleached hair back to its natural color, or grow out balayage, we have complete faith in your success while at home.
  • You can take your shoes off to reduce the sound of your own footsteps.
  • Be wary, because if you can hear them, they can hear you. Listen out for enemy footsteps, smashing pots, opening of doors, etc. The footsteps and other sound cues in Dark And Darker are what make the game so intense.

    It grows dark and darker still